New Occupational Health Nurse! No experience

Nurses General Nursing


I took a position as an occupational health nurse. I am a new grad but have worked as a medical assistant for 13 years. I took this position thinking it would be great to incorporate all that I have learned. I have been here for 4 weeks and the company want me to start a “nursing office” from scratch. No protocols in place nothing this position did not exist prior to my coming on board. It would only be me triaging and treating minor injuries. There is no physician onsite for major injuries we refer out to a clinic. I am afraid of the legalities with this position especially because I am not fully familiar with my scope in this area. It seems like employees here sue often as well. Even though I’ve haven’t fully taken my role I’ve already had to have 911 called and send someone to the ER. What are your thoughts?

Specializes in Occupational Health Nursing.

I am sorry I was not available to offer input to this new RN. Occupational Health Nursing is a terrific field. We all started somewhere. Any other nurses new to occupational health nursing, please reach out to your peers. We are a wonderful group of occupational health & safety professionals and can offer much needed support.

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