new nurse in the OR???

Specialties Operating Room


Specializes in General Surgery & Open Heart Teams; NICU.

I will be graduating in May. I have an opporutnity to work in the Cardiac OR team. I have always loved my experinces in the OR during clinicals.

I rececntly "shadowed" a nurse one day (not for school) to see if i would be interested in the job. I liked it. I like the hours. But my fellow students think if I take this job, then all I will be doing is documentating and not perofrming nursing duties. I disaggree. I see myself as being an adovicate for the sedated or unconsious pt, with proper positioning, the proper operative site and procedure......

I would like to hear some positive stamtents about my descion to go into the OR. I feel I will be part of a team for a patinet. but nursing doesn't always mean hadnleing poop and bandages......besides, I HATE poop!!!!!!

Should I go straight into the OR or should I experince the other side of nursing first?

I will be graduating in May. I have an opporutnity to work in the Cardiac OR team. I have always loved my experinces in the OR during clinicals.

I rececntly "shadowed" a nurse one day (not for school) to see if i would be interested in the job. I liked it. I like the hours. But my fellow students think if I take this job, then all I will be doing is documentating and not perofrming nursing duties. I disaggree. I see myself as being an adovicate for the sedated or unconsious pt, with proper positioning, the proper operative site and procedure......

I would like to hear some positive stamtents about my descion to go into the OR. I feel I will be part of a team for a patinet. but nursing doesn't always mean hadnleing poop and bandages......besides, I HATE poop!!!!!!

Should I go straight into the OR or should I experince the other side of nursing first?

Being an O.R. nurse is kinda like being a mechanic who works on people. It's very technical. You need to memorize techniques and equipment. It's a whole different animal than floor nursing.

It definitely helps to have some floor nursing experience before you enter the O.R., but it is not required. I have been working in the operating room for 11 years and I have never worked on a floor (other than during nursing school.)

Specializes in Surgery.

I went straight from Nursing School to the OR and I love it..I wouldnt have it any other way..You do perform nusing duties..You assess..When I am circulating I will look at my patients vitals and see how much blood they have loss or what rhythm their heart is in....I get to thinking will I need to order blood soon or will I need the crash cart..Dont let anyone tell you that you wont be doing nursing duties..the job is technical but you are also a patient advocate no matter where you work...You also put in foleys which is something nurses do..I also RN monitor which involves giving pts versed and so on for minor procedures..I have to assess my patient and watch their vitals..if you want to go for it..sometimes its hard for a nurse or a new nurse to get into the OR..If you have the chance and you want to do it..I do not regret not working on the floor..There isnt anything wrong with it but as a student I knew that I didnt want to work on the floor so I externed in the OR...Good luck on everything..

Specializes in General Surgery & Open Heart Teams; NICU.

Thanks for the replies. I wanted to work in the Or since I started school.

I am just waiting to be called back. The nurse manager said she would make her decision by April. But she continues to email me very week, so hopeuflly that's a good sign.

Thanks Again

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