Published Aug 10, 2016
40 Posts
I graduated this May '16 and will start working soon. I feel much dread about starting a new job because I am somehwat shy and I'm not confident with my skills as a nurse. I even over heard my mother (a former LPN who is now seeking disability), on the phone, gossiping how she doesn't think I have enough critical thinking skills to be a good nurse and she worries for my patients?!?!? like really? My own i feel even worse. I made Bs and Cs (in the more challenging classes like OB/PEDS)
I have a job lined up at a family medicine doctors office, but I am taking a pay cut because i don't know if i will be able to handle the work load in a nursing home...
any advice?!?!?
any new grads ever felt this way about their skills and abilities as a nurse?
3 Posts
I am a recent grad also (second career here so would wager I'm a good bit older than you too). :) I totally understand the feelings of worry and doubt! I'm really sorry about what you overheard your Mother say. She may be your Mother, but she has never assessed your nursing skills in a healthcare setting, so she has no authority whatsoever to make that call.
I am about one month into working my first nursing job as an LPN in LTC and boy, it has been brutal (at least for me). I wanted to find a job at a Dr. office so bad, but there just isn't much employment available where I live. Working in a physicians office of some sort would have been my first choice.
First of all, please don't doubt yourself! You've made it this far for a reason! Remember what motivated you to come this far. Let that drive you for now, and not the fear of the unknown, which will dissipate as soon as you learn your job. You will look back in weeks (or months') time and remember how much worry was wasted on the skills you will be very adept at by then. (Not to discredit your concerns)
Some words of advice.... if you're a sensitive person...... start to grow some thicker skin. The nurses I work with are decent people but they will eat you alive if you show a lack of confidence or fear. (Personal experience here ) Its good not to be a pushover.
However, if you do not know the answer to any question at the clinic you'll be working, go and ask! Try not to care what others think of you and remember to ultimately keep your patients safe, always do what is morally right, cover your a$$, and remember that each and every single one of your coworkers had to start somewhere at the beginning, and had fears and concerns of their own.
If they try to pretend otherwise, they're liars haha. Don't get involved in office gossip. Decide to have a decent day everyday and try your best not to let any bad office morale affect you. You will be overwhelmed as you learn your various roles. Deep breathe during those intense moments and remember why you're meant to do this.
If you want to venture into another avenue of nursing, you can. Try to learn your job well, don't burn any bridges, and get some time in where you're at. If you're unhappy, move on. I wish you the best and feel free to pm me if we have that capability on this site. Take care!