New Nurse Blues

Nurses General Nursing

Published has been very helpfull for me to see that alot of people go through new nurse blues and it WILL be ok. I graduated in May, moved to my first new house in a very very small community, husband deployed, got my license in July, got my young 2 children enrolled in school and got my first job as an RN at a great hospital an hour and 15 minutes away, worked for 3 months with a 7:1 patient ratio on a telemetry unit, to then come to the panicked realization that I'm not wonder woman, I CAN'T DO IT ALL. The administration was very understanding and worked with me but I had to quit. I just couldn't deal with the patient load, drive, stress, everything. My plate was full and I wasn't using the good china. My husband was very supportive. So its a new year, and I'm gonna try, I will find a new job closer. Its just soooo hard finding a job being a new graduate, can't do night shift and not having to drive over an hour away. My heart is with geriatrics but long term care facilities like LPNs and CNAs. The local hospitals want experience or night shifts. But I'm hanging in there. Something will come up that is a perfect fit. This site has shown me that alot of people go through the same thing and its OK. Thanks.:up:

Thank you to everyone for supporting me. It is so incredibly reassuring to see others with the same issues and suggestions. I feel alot more confident in my job search tomarrow.

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