New LVN Grad!

U.S.A. California


hi everyone!

i live in the bay area and take the nclex on saturday! (wish me luck!)

like every new grad i have tons of questions! i am interested in working at a bay area correctional facility but don't know where to look!

also, does anyone know what facility pays new grad lvn's the best in the bay area? i heard kaiser pays about $33/hour, is that true? as an lvn i want to work the least amount of hours possible for the most pay so i can continue to work on getting my bsn. any suggestions?


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

:welcome: Welcome to our online community!

I've moved this thread to the California Nurses forum to maximize the number of replies.

Specializes in Critical care, Pediatris & Geriatrics.

$33 an hour? i never heard of that. i live near sacramento and i heard they start out at $25. i would love for it to be so..i hope you're right and not me lol! good luck!!

keep us posted!

amy, svn:nurse:


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