Published Dec 24, 2013
6 Posts
I'm new to vegas, I worked on cardiac step down unit for 2.5 years prior to moving out here in June, worked on med Surg when I moved out here, but missed the cardiac portion. I just was offered a position in ICU, which I accepted:) My question is what will be my greatest obstacle? I had cardiac drips on my old floor and insulin drips, we just basically would send them to the unit if they needed to be vented or an ART line,ect.. Any information would be greatly appreciated!:) thank you.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
Of course you'll want to study on the drips, the rhythms and the drugs. It would also help to refresh yourself on anatomy and physiology of the heart and lungs, the surgeries that you'll most often see and heart disease. You'll get an orientation where you will learn a lot of these things. What often surprises new grads is that you're expected to go home after work and study. You saw a patient with a Ross procedure today -- go home and look that up so you understand what it is and what to be watching for in this patient. Of course, you've been a nurse for 2.5 years, so you're probably already used to doing that.
ICU is the best place to work as far as I'm concerned. I love it. So welcome!