New Graduate RN that can not find a job.

Nurses New Nurse


I graduated from nursing school on Dec, 10, 2009. I passed my boards on Feb, 9 , 2010. I have been seeking employment in Louisville, Ky since I graduate. In kentucky they require 120 preceptor hours before you have your permanent lincense. I have three more months to complete these hours and I feel like I am running out of time. Please someone give me some suggestion on finding employment. Thank You :crying2:

Specializes in Neuro.

I am in the same situation. I am hoping that seeking extra certifications will help. I am going to get my ACLS certification. Also, I am trying to make connection and build a network that can assist in my finding a job. Overall though, I am just kicking ass at my current job and keeping my mind open to any opportunities that come.

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