where are new grads working

Nurses New Nurse



Just wondering where new grads are working. In hospitals and on what type of floor or LTC or surgery centers. Hopefully in December I will be done with the LPN and can then go on for RN.

Was reading teh post on 2nd day of job and was glad to see that she is getting a long orientation. I know in LTC that you are lucky if you even get 2 weeks of orientation, even as a new grad. I myself fear working in that situation cause dont feel as a new grad I have what it takes to be the only nurse in the house for 40+ patients and do things right on a good day, let alone a day when someone falls, gets real sick or expires. The aged are on too many meds for one person to do it all and be the only nurse. To be honest, I think it is too much for a seasoned nurse. That is why I am looking to hospital work or clinic work where there will be others on the floor to offer guidance. I guess I see it as no matter how long youve been in it, having someone elses input is always good. I think post op, skilled or general medical would be a good start, even as an LPN while finish up my education.

Some input would be great so I can start making my plans.

I just got a job in the CVICU (post open-heart) to start after I graduate in December.

Congratulations everyone!!!

Congratulations everyone!!!

Tele/med-surg........WOOOHOOO!!! lol

I started out on PP and Nursery right away. Found that the floor was a little too physically demanding for me at 35 y.o., I also had a lot of issues that I did not bring to my NM, instead my back pain made it very easy to just quit. I am now regretting it, and am currently seeking another job. Don't know where I will go next, but in the mean time am doing flu vaccination clinics :uhoh21: that will end soon because of the shortage.

Trauma/Surgery and Ortho...

i want to work ICU, but the manager here is a firm believer in the "med-surg first" adage :uhoh3:...

Specializes in Acute rehab/geriatrics/cardiac rehab.

I'm working as a rehab nurse in a rehab hospital and loving it.....

Emergency Dept.

Mother Baby unit and will cross train in peds :)

Neonatal Intensive Care-- I just started and, so far, I love it. I am in training program for new grads-- I agree with whomever said not to let anyone convince you that you *have* to do med/surg first (unless you want to!). There are lots of hospitals out there that have specialty training programs for new grads.

Just start working in a public school, and loving it I met up with someone at a flu clinic who gave me the inside scoop on a position, you never know where you will meet a contact for a job, forget the help wanted :chuckle lol. Anyway, I also hope that this one sticks. Who knows maybe this is my niche :uhoh3: Good Luck to All the New Grads :)

I started working as a new grad 4 months ago on a busy L&D unit. I was given 12 weeks orientation.

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