Published Nov 16, 2003
583 Posts
I'm still a student but it ALL of my previous jobs I have worked lots of OT. I know there seems to be a nursing shortage and I'm assuming that OT is pretty easy to get. Is that correct? I'm hoping to be going into ICU after I graduate and wondering about OT. I actually like to work some OT....I don't wanna work 7 days a week...but I have normally, when not in school, worked 60 an average of 60 hours a week. Is it very hard for a new grad to get OT? I guess I mean, do you have to be on the floor a certain amount of time before most employers will let a new grad work OT? I know I will want to work some OT to help pay off students loans faster. Just curious. Thanks in advance.
796 Posts
There is absolutely no problem getting OT where I work... they are pretty much begging for people to take OT. However, I would be weary of burning yourself out. Nursing can be very hard on you in many aspects and it may be best for at least the first six months you stay away from OT.. just my opinion.
Katnip, RN
2,904 Posts
It depends on the employer. I work on IMCU, (no openings in ICU yet) and we can't even do weekends or nights, much less OT for the first 6 months. In a way, I'm glad they do it that way, because during our preceptorship we get a lot of support. After orientation some of that support is still there in an emergency, but not a heck of a lot.