I am a new grad and have been in orientation for 3 weeks a med/surg floor working nights, 7p-7a. I love the staff and the floor so far, however I am hating the night shift. I really want to switch to days. However I know I should wait for 3 months. I dont know if I am going to make it, I get headaches everyday, I have fallen alseep once driving home (I live 50 mins away from the hospital) but worst of all I cannot sleep on my days off. I find myself falling alseep at 6am. I feel like Im losing it. I feel depressed and Im always tired. The floor recently hired 6 new grads for morning shift and dont know if I'll even be able to get a position. Should I stick it out for 8 months or should I let my nurse manager know in 2 months and pray to god theres an opening? If there isn't should I search for another jobs?