Published Feb 10, 2015
22 Posts
Hi Y'all! :)
I just got hired to a postpartum unit as a nightshift RN. I am super excited and thrilled to finally be a RN and working in a specialty where I have always had the desire to work at.
I wanted to know if any of you have any special tips or advice you can offer, especially any tips for nightshift nursing, any things you would advise me to do before I begin orientation (Feb.16th!) All advice and tips would be greatly appreciated!!! :)
50 Posts
How were you able to get the job ? (Did u have a preceptorship on the unit, etc.) I graduate in May & want to be hired in postpartum unit as a new grad
3,677 Posts
Review newborn and maternal vitals and labs, breastfeeding, circumcision care, normal bonding, postpartum hemorrhage, magnesium side effects, post-op care (for your c-section moms), newborn bathing, cord care...
There are also several posts in this section of the site with similar advice. I would peruse the posts and see what you can pick up!
Good luck!
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
PP night shift RN here...bring a small notebook and fill it with information learned during orientation. You can also make a binder with info regarding PP hemorrhage, unit protocols, Mag administration and info, common pain meds and how it will affect newborns being breastfed (mom's will ask), and breastfeeding tips. As far as nights, make sure you take a nap 2-4 hours before your shift so you'll be refreshed to survive your 12 hour shift.
I love being a PP nurse and I work with great coworkers. Good luck!
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