Published Aug 21, 2011
4 Posts
Hi everyone! I am a new graduate nurse and has BSN and was wondering if I could expand my education and go for MSN? Can I just like enroll for it or do I need to have a year or two of experience in the clinicals first? any Ideas? and what are the requirements for it? thank you! please help me I need a PROFESSIONAL advice for this. LOL
Suggestions are highly appreciated! thanks.
583 Posts
You need to appy to a graduate program just as you did for your bachelors. Do you have any idea what you want your MSN in, are you looking to be a ANP, are you leaning towards the educator role. Decide first what exactly you want to gain out of a MSN then go from there.
GetBehindtheBarn, BSN
31 Posts
I am currently in the process of applying to MSN programs myself, and from what I can tell, it varies from program to program.
As pedspnp said, figure out which direction you want to go in and then start looking for what schools offer those programs. Their websites should provide clear information as to whether or not you need x number of years experience - or none at at all.
I will say, I am applying to Family NP programs, and I have only come across 1 that has an experience criteria.
Good luck!