Published May 12, 2011
63 Posts
i am new to allnurses! i've been an lpn for 10 years with 3 years nicu experience and also a paramedic for 6 years. i just graduated friday, may 6th and have my first interview this friday the 13th! it is for a picu job within the same hospital by which i am employed now. i am very excited and have my fingers crossed.
just wanted to say "hi."
72 Posts
Best of luck!! I started on the PICU 2 months ago and love it so far! Its challenging and every day is something different! With your experience I'm sure you'll do great!
Thanks, Rookie. My interview was today and I think it went really well. I should know in 2-3 weeks whether I got the job or not. I really really want the job now that I've been there and talked to the manager and education coordinator. I also toured the unit and get to go shadow a nurse in a couple weeks!!
PediLove2147, BSN, RN
649 Posts
I hope you get the job! I had a PICU interview this past Tuesday so I know the feeling of wanting it! Let us know the outcome.
Well, I ended up being offered a position a little closer to home. It sounds like I was a top contender for the PICU but it was an hour drive. So, I will be working full time dayturn at the local Children's hospital as a float nurse. I will float to General Peds, NICU, and ED. Very excited. Took my NCLEX yesterday; just waiting on results!!
Update: I PASSED!!!!!!