New grad.... Overwhelmed... Exhausted.... Boards in 1 Week!


Hi there!

First let me say this is my first thread but through the last three years of nursing school I have read several threads that answered questions I had. So thanks to all of you that ask questions and even more to those who answer them!:yeah:

I have done Kaplan and I'm doing Kaplan questions online but I still don't feel prepared. I take boards on June 3 (a week from today) and start my new job in CCU June 8th. Oh and my kids last day of school is June 4th.

I can't seem to get focused. I know how hard I've worked to get to this point and how much my family has sacrificed so I could go to school but I just can't seem to get it toegether. I thought things would get easier after school was done but life happens.

And as you can tell I'm extremely overwhelmed.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Tina

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

I'm right there with you. :) I take my boards on June 3rd, and have multiple stressors (kids, waiting to hear from HR about possible hiring). I decided that I'm just going to break down my days from here on out that when she's at school, so am I (so to speak.) Tonight when my daughter is working on homework, I'm going to sit next to her and take a practice test. I would shoot for doing at least 3 sets of practice questions for the next 4 days, and then schedule in-depth test taking the last 2 days before your exam. They say the more experience you get with taking exams, the better. If you want to check in daily to this thread, we could report how we're doing. You know, keep eachother honest? :) Get plenty of sleep, and try to eat well. Good luck!

Specializes in neurology, cardiology, ED.

I am pretty much in the same boat as you, except I am still three weeks away (June 19th). I am taking a four day review class starting tomorrow, which I am hoping will help me get it in gear :specs:

If you're that worried, maybe you should push back your date a bit?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I just took my boards last week and passed. I graduated April 25 and started a new position as a grad nurse on April 27th. So like you, I was also very busy.

IF you can, put things on hold until you take your boards (I know, easier said than done).

Focus on yourself walking in there, taking the NCLEX, and passing. Also, don't count on it stopping at 75 questions. Oh, don't forget to breathe. I took a 30 second "mental break" after each set of 25 questions. closed my eyes and did some deep breathing exercises. It kept me out of 'panic mode.'

I prepared using Kaplan, and it really helped me. I'm sure you will do great!!! The odds are in your favor... 85% of students pass the NCLEX on their first attempt.



Thank you so much for all the encouragement!

Jen- that sounds great. I like the checks and balnces idea. Are you doing Kaplan online right now? I have completed up to test 4. Test 1 63%, Test 2- 94% Test 3- 99%. I know that sounds great but I haven't done much of the Q bank questions. I will really buckle down today and do the 3 sets of questions for the next few days. I'm going to do 50 each time. Let me know how it is going for you.

Diane- What part of MI are you in? I'm from Saginaw, we moved here a few years ago and I love it! Congrats on passing your boards and good luck with the job search!

86-toronado- We did the Kaplan review and it really does help. Good luck on yours and let me know how things are going!

Thanks again... breathe... in through your lungs and out through your mouth


If anyone wants to e-mail me directly or use the pm system.

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.


Not doing Kaplan. I'm doing Drexel's review course. I finally got emailed this morning my password for their online review, and so I'm plowing through the material. It's actually better than the DVD's of their review course that I also ordered, as it is giving me more scenarios. (I like to try to apply knowledge, rather than just spit back facts.) They have 20 different topics, and I'm planning on doing 10 today and 10 tomorrow (there's a review quiz after each section.) This weekend is all pharmacology, and Monday and Tuesday will be tests, tests, tests. I'll post here later tonight, and tell you how it's going. Good luck with your studying!

When did you guys graduate? I finished up may 1st and still have no information about the temp practice permit, just got the application for the exam back from my school and sent it in, now waiting for confirmation to take the test which will prob. take forever, I'm guessin it depends on your school? This is getting frustrating!

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

I graduated May 8th, and I got my ATT on May 19th. :yeah:My school was great at encouraging us to send in everything and get all fees paid 1 month ahead of graduation. When we graduated, the state was only waiting on my statement of graduation from the school. They got that processed (as you can see) fairly quickly.

Well I have not done very well on the practice tests today. :down: But I'm going to review my Judy DVD's tonight and tomorrow and then get back at them!

Mystkstar- If you have paid your board fee and your Pearson vue testing fee- contact you Board of Nursing and see if they have recieved your verification (that you graduated) from your school. I know here in KY once we have paid our board fees you can log on to their website and check on your application. It tells you in black and white what they have and what their waiting for. Maybe your Board of Nursing also has something like this available?

Hope this helps!

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

Got my 10 topics done, yesterday. I then got a call back that I got the job that I had interviewed for in Rehab at a LTC facility. After calling everyone and talking about my new job, the morning is shot. ;) Now I need to buckle down and do the next 11 topics. How's the studying going for you?

I did great studying with a friend on the phone this morning. Then my daughters school called and I had to pick her up. Then as I'm working on Kaplan, my husband called a thousand times (or so it seemed). And tomorrow he has to work for part of the day and Monday my son has an appointment in LExington to see his Neurologist and Lexington is over an hour away. So if I'm lucky I'll get to study Sunday and part of Monday.

Sorry to vent but I'm getting worried and nervous. I'm not sure I'm ready and frankly my life is not helping at the moment, LOL. Ya know because LIFE is so accomodating to our schedules!:jester:

So how's it going for you?

Congrats on the job!:yeah:After reading some posts on the board you are very lucky to have one.


Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

:icon_hug: Sorry to hear about your crazy week. After being on the phone for the good part of the day telling people about my new job, and arranging for childcare when I start work, I didn't get much studying in, either. So....I decided that I'm not going to kill myself like this, and I re-scheduled my NCLEX for Monday, June 8th. It's still plenty of time before my work orientation starts, and I'll feel much more prepared. Can you bump yours out a couple of days?--rescheduling on the computer is pretty easy.

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