Published Nov 21, 2011
23 Posts
I now have 1+ years experience as a NEW GRAD RN.. sad, isn't it?! We all know that the job market for New Grad RNs just plain old SUCKS.. and when I FINALLY got and interview I bombed it!
I recently went on an interview for the State Prison systems.. when I arrived 'prepared', the inteview began and I soon realized that I was very far from being so. As the interview was tape recorded, I was asked 6 clinical nursing q's related to the field..being a New Grad (now out of school 1+ years) my answers were very 'fundamental'. Within 15 mins, the interview started and ended and I made the long walk passed the Prison yard to the parking lot, got in my car and started to panic!! So this brings me to my question to all other 'old' New Grads...
What are you doing to keep up on your nursing knowledge?? Do you break out your text books in your free time and start reading-AGAIN? At this point I feel like that is what I should do.. never again do I want to be unprepared when asked clinical q's in an interview.
Let the thread begin..
19 Posts
i had something similar happen for a corrections position. i had already interviewed previously and did pretty well. the first time around my interview went smooth, i answered all the clinical questions with confidence and ease, and i even cracked a few jokes! unfortunately, because i am a new grad, i was not picked for the position. 2 months later, however, i received an invitation for an informal interview for a non-competitive per-diem position. since it was a 2nd interview i was under the impression that the interview was going to be more of a q&a session, with the investigator, regarding my background check. i was wrong!!! it was just like my first interview, clinical questions and all. i felt so unprepared for the interview and clinical questions, i completely bombed it! needless to say, i am pretty sure i am not getting the job. moral of the story: always be prepared! there is no such thing as a casual interview-don't fall for it!
i'm starting to wish my nursing school prepared us better with clinical case scenarios. most of what they focused on was nclex-type questions (which, in my opinion, is way easier than case studies!). i was thinking of buying a nursing book with different clinical case studies and scenarios so i can practice my interviewing skills. can anyone recommend a good book for that?
76 Posts
hi yikib38, first off, i'm very sorry to hear about your difficulties in finding a job. i graduated in may and i'm beginning to feel discouraged! i haven't had a single interview with any applications i put out.
even with only being out of school for less than 1 year, i started to worry that i was losing all of what i worked to hard to learn. i'm not sure if it is required in your state, but i have started working on ce credits. that way, i get them out of the way while i don't have a job but i'm still keeping current. i also like to read nursing journals.
as far as interviews go, i mentioned that i have never been to one, but i did find through another thread a while back of the johns hopkins interview guide, it has some senerio type questions. there are also links to resume and cover letter samples. i have revamped my resume and i hope it helps.
here is the link:
good luck
58 Posts
I agree, I also worry about keeping my skills up-to-date... what I have done to keep "fresh" is to watch YouTube videos of nursing procedures over... and over... and over... again! (These were mostly YouTube videos that my college recommended during clinicals, but also some I've discovered along the way). It's gotten to the point where I turn on the YouTube video and I want to throw a rock through the computer screen, I am so frustrated BUT at least it keeps me thinking: "So, what would I need for this procedure? Then what would I do first? Second? Third..." I have also read nursing journals, nursing textbooks, etc. during the hiatus. I am really ready to start working and stop reading now
same here!!! I took a pharm test and as I walked away, EVERYTHING CAME BACK but that didn't matter.. because I didn't perform it on paper >.
Now, with my lesson learned, I continue doing questions from my nclex study books.
1 Post