Published Oct 21, 2010
144 Posts
I got a job offer for a hospital I like. I'm glad to get any job, this was my first interview and first offer in the 3 months I have had my license. It's at St Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach. Anyone have any info, like a heads up of what to expect? To be honest I definately want to work there, they seem great (or they have a good PR person, lol) but a few things did throw me off. Some may say be thankful and shut up...which I am but for any one who has worked there let me know what to expect, give it to me straight, I beg you!!
As for other new grads: they do hire us, it takes a while to sift through the applications I guess. I applied Aug 4th, days after I got my license and didnt get called for an interview until Sept 23rd It's possible New Grads, it may not be your ideal job but its a starting place to build a solid foundation!
One key piece of advice: ASK QUESTIONS!!! And just bc your classmate/friend/cousin makes more here or only has to walk across the street to work, or is in the ER with no experience doesn't mean that all those things can't dissapate and in the end not compare to your possible experience that you are willing to pass up for $2 more