Published Jan 12, 2012
m4howie, ADN, BSN
42 Posts
Hi Nurses,
I currently live in MN and want to move to Syracuse. I am a fairly new grad with an associates RN. I got a job in LTC September 2011. I am looking to move in March or April of 2012. I am curious of several things:
1) What is the job market like for new grads/Places to apply
2) How does the interview process work long distance (teleconference video, face to face, or just phone).
3) Good places to live.
Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Howard RN
virgo,student nurse, CNA
251 Posts
Hi, Howard.The area you are looking to move to needs nurses. I know a lot of new grads have migrated up that way and been successful in getting a job. I am unsure how long distance job searching works, but I would be sure to have a definite job offer before you leave. I hope some other nurses can give you a little better insight who live closer. Best of luck. Virgo
Thanks for the response. I will post what I find out. Are you familiar with that area. Is it Do you recommen any hospitals?
2 Posts
I live further north than Syracuse and there is a great demand for nursing in this area. I just graduated with my Associates and 4 of the 5 students who applied at the local hospital were hired. In Syracuse there is Crouse Erving Hospital, St. Joe's, University and the Rock Center to name a few. I am not sure about the interview process or much about the city itself. Hope this helps - off to study for my NCLEX.
What area are you in? How much further north? I am pulling up google maps right now. LOL Thanks for the info. I will check it out. :) Oh and good luck on the boards.
Howard,I live further north than Syracuse and there is a great demand for nursing in this area. I just graduated with my Associates and 4 of the 5 students who applied at the local hospital were hired. In Syracuse there is Crouse Erving Hospital, St. Joe's, University and the Rock Center to name a few. I am not sure about the interview process or much about the city itself. Hope this helps - off to study for my NCLEX.