New Grad LPN Salary in CT


I'm starting the LPN program through the CT Tech High school program. I'll be attending Kaynor Tech in the fall. Ill be graduating in January of 2017. I just finished my CNA course in May and passed my state test a couple of weeks ago. I got hired at a long term care facility and I start on the 14th. My questions are: how hard will it be to find a job as a new grad LPN? (I should have more than 1.5 years experience as a CNA by then which I've heard helps a lot) and what can I expect as a starting salary as a new grad? I've tried researching wages for new LPNs in CT and have found nothing.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I graduated from Kaynor :-)

It all depends on where you're looking to work when you're finished. I've worked in the outpatient setting in an Urgent care center and I made 25$/hr before I became a RN. Most of the people I graduated with were right around that as well, and most found employment in nursing homes, assisted living, or visiting nursing/homecare settings. Of course it depends on which shift you work and what the differential is for your facility as well. But usually mid to upper 20s per hour, some places are paying low 20s it really varies. The job market is slim for LPNs so working as a CNA will really help!

Thanks so much that helps a lot. I like working with the elderly so I don't mind long term care at all. Hopefully working as a CNA for awhile will help me get my foot in the door :)

I know you posted this a while ago... I work at an assisted living facility in ct and I got 23 to start! Hope this helps :)

Fiancée is doing the program. Graduates 2017 from a CT tech school working as a CNA. Found the program to be challenging while trying to stay afloat financially. It's basically a 7 to 2 Monday through Friday program.

Working in a nursing home is good as gives you an edge as an internal candiate.

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