New Grad Job market in massachusetts- how long should I keep looking?


HELLO WORLD! I just graduated in May 2018 with my BSN (out of state). I received my license July 2018. I have been applying left and right in Boston for jobs since getting my license. My dream job is Boston Children's Hospital, but I am willing to work anywhere.

I did my 336 hour practicum in a children's hospital, worked as a nursing assistant in that hospital for 1.5 years, and also did my summer externship on the adult side of that hospital. I know that many other candidates have strong resumes, but I'm wondering how much these experiences might help me.

In general, does anyone have an actual feel for what the job market is like? For example, I have a contact who graduated in 2017 from out of state, took boards early, and got a job at Boston Children's (implying they had no connections due to working as a nursing assistant already).

[COLOR=#000000]I have applied to over 50 positions at multiple hospitals- not just in Boston but in the suburban community hospitals as well. Any advice is much appreciated! [/COLOR]

Specializes in Oncology.

I don't know about Boston specifically, but in general it can sometimes take months to hear back from HR about jobs. This year I applied for jobs out-of-state due to moving for my husband's schooling. There were a couple of jobs I applied for at the beginning of May, and I got called about them at the end of August. My recommendation: try to be patient, and keep putting out applications.

Thanks for the advice! Yeah- I figured it would be a while. It's just discouraging, I guess, because I'm a new grad in an area where I didn't work or go to school beforehand, so I lack those connections. It's rough seeing all my friends working and getting job offers while I just sit here having received only one interview. ://

I definitely will keep putting out applications! :) Do you happen to have a general idea of what the hiring cycles are like in hospitals, or does it differ?

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