New Grad interested in Trauma

Specialties Critical


I'm a new nurse grad (as of May, 13, 2012)... currently studying to take my board exam. On my breaks, I view blogs... trying to find out if its realistic to apply for Trauma: entry-level.

I believe most hospitals are reluctant to higher any new grads into ICU, ER, or Trauma. Despite their differences... I am willing to travel anywhere in the world... just want to earn the experience.

Any suggestions as to what your experience was when you first applied to BSN/RN jobs? What steps did you take to get into Trauma?

Sorry to be a downer here, but personally I would start out on a good med-surg unit first. Being a new grad is very stressful and you have ALOT to learn. I have been a nurse for 5 years now and I only recently took a position on a surgical trauma ICU and I will tell you there are times when I fell like a new grad because there is so much to learn. And I have the basics down and am familar with the medications. I really do not understand what is so wrong with working your way into your dream job. You will be so much more comfortable starting out. I am like you I love the faster pace and way a pt can change in a min. Just some words of advice. Good Luck with everything.

Hyperbole and a Half: The Alot is Better Than You at Everything

There's no reason to start out somewhere that you don't want to end up.

There is a hospital in Rio de Janeiro Brazil called Miguel Couto HOSPITAL MUNICIPAL MIGUEL COUTO em foco . They have a huge trauma center there. The city or Rio de Janeiro is so filled with trauma, patients die waiting for treatment and are kept in a room awaiting for staff and facility. I heard that the Israeli army sent their medical personal to train there because it's the closest thing to an war. I think they take anybody who can help. Good luck

are you from Rio de janiero? We may need help in the upcoming International Continence Society this October 2014. your friends might be interested to attend.

hi! I know you posted this a while back but I was wondering if your hospitals/network still have this type of ER residency and early trauma exposure and which in particular have this type of training?


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