New Grad Hospice Nurse, Night Shift...Help!


I am a recent graduate (May '12), and was fortunate enough to be hired into a Hospice inpatient unit. I was originally prn, but was offered a full-time nights posistion which I happily accepted, knowing that I am very much a day person. I'm asking for advice on how to transition into any sleep tips, etc. I truly want to be successful and hope that I can learn flip back and forth from work to home life. Thanks all!

I am a recent graduate (May '12), and was fortunate enough to be hired into a Hospice inpatient unit. I was originally prn, but was offered a full-time nights posistion which I happily accepted, knowing that I am very much a day person. I'm asking for advice on how to transition into any sleep tips, etc. I truly want to be successful and hope that I can learn flip back and forth from work to home life. Thanks all!

I have worked nights for about two yrs on a Med/Surg floor. I usually stay up late the night before the start of my 3 12s, and then try to only sleep for a few hrs during the day after working my last 12hr shift for the week. It sort of works, I find myself rarely being able to get up early after that last day. Also, I usually stay up until 2-3AM on my days of and then sleep in late. Some are better at "flipping" than others, but the current situation works for me and my wife who is also a nurse and works the same shift. It all depends on your home life.

Specializes in Med-Surge, PACU, now Hospice.

Congrats on your new position. I have been PRN at an inpatient Hospice for a year now, and have had to bounce back and forth between all three shifts. I try to take a nap around 9pm for about 30 mins. It gives me a short time to rest and get my head ready for work (the kids are in bed at that point). After the nap, I get up take a shower and go to work.... just like I would if I was working 7a - 3p. Oh, don't forget the caffeine!!!!

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