Published Jun 27, 2014
15 Posts
I just got my dream job at a PCCU (cardiac step-down unit). I will be going through a lengthy 5 month orientation which consists of an ACLS class, "ECCO", and preceptorship. Could anyone recommend a good cardiac book I could start reading? I would like a book that has it all: EKGs, pathophysiology, cardiac drips etc... I have seen others recommend Kathy white's binder, and Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery. I feel like Bojar's book might be too in depth for me? I was thinking of Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy. Maybe I should buy a critical care book? Not sure. Any advice is appreciated!
297 Posts
Kathy White for sure.
14 Posts
hey there,
So coming from similar experience I would suggest
It's a comprehensive progressive care book and will also get you ready for the PCCN certification ( If you choose to do so).
Lot's of luck!
Fannie'sMom, BSN, RN
37 Posts
Congrats on the new gig; way to go!
While I do not have a book that encompasses all that you require, I do have an AMAZING EKG book that I would highly recommend. As a little background, I just transferred from Med-Surg to Telemetry 8 wks ago and had to take a fairly comprehensive EKG & Cardiac Med test. Failed it the first time in part due to a crappy book given to me by my hospital class. Then my Clinical Educator came to the rescue with this book:
Basic Arrhythmias by Gail Walraven
The reasons I like this book so much is three fold:
First, the format is great and information is incredibly easy to comprehend.
Secondly, this book has HUNDREDS of PAGES of practice strips, with complete answers - explanations given as to what you're looking at-in the back, which IMHO is an absolute necessity.
Thirdly, in the very back of the book there are thick, colored, perforated flash cards covering almost almost all of the arrhythmias. On one side is the break down, i.e, Name of arrhythmia, Rate, Rhythm, PR Interval, and QRS info. On the back side is an arrhythmia strip showing what the actual arrhythmia looks like. My Clin Educator pulled them out, added a few notes to them, laminated them and put them on a ring to have as a reference tool. She actually lent them to me with this book and I passed with flying colors.
If you have money to burn buy the latest edition (7th), but the one I used and liked so much was the 5th edition, which is currently available on Amazon for about $15 bucks new. And make sure you buy it NEW, because you need a fresh copy for the practice strips. I made the mistake of buying a different USED EKG book first and had to use two bottles of white out to cover the previous persons answers.
Hope this helps!!!
Hey Kim!
Thank you :-). I really appreciate your detailed and informative response. I had already ordered a few books by the time I read it though. The book you mentioned sounds wonderful! I had bought two books from amazon based on overall ratings, comments, and recommendations:
ECG Workout: Exercises in Arrhythmia Interpretation (Huff, ECG Workout)
Huff RN CCRN, Jane (This book has a ton of exercises as well as explanations)
Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, Sixth Edition
Dubin, Dale (Has 4.5 rating from over 400 reviews. Is recommended by all healthcare professionals due to ease of reading)
I had also bought Kathy White's fast facts for critical care as a reference book to have with me during my job. If the two EKG books I bought do not suite me, I will definitely purchase the one you recommended.
Thanks again!