Published May 26, 2008
6 Posts
I'm graduating in 12 weeks and we're already being prompted to get those resumes out and make contacts, however all the jobs posted are requiring a minimum of a year of med/surg experience. If that's what I have to do before I can go back to the Operating room where I already work as a tech then that's what I have to do, however even the med/surg floors are wanting icu experience or 1-3 years of previous floor experience. What the heck? I thought we were so high in demand? How do I get a job with no floor experience if they all require experience?
3,362 Posts
A lot of ICUs will not hire new grads. I know the ICU where I work will not unless you've been a tech. You can look around and see if any hospitals are hiring for critical care internships. If not, just do the year of med/surg to get your skills down. I worked on an ICU stepdown before going to ICU and it was the best experience. Maybe look for progressive care or tele positions? Will the OR not hire you after graduation?
No, Henry Ford Hospital where I've worked for 5 years won't hire anyone in the OR without CC experience anymore unless they are extremely hard up. Even the med/surg floors are asking for previous experience. I've been a sterilization tech for 5 years with no patient care experience.
1,301 Posts
Some hospitals on the the other side of the state (SW Michigan) are doing the same thing. In fact, one hospital is not accepting applications for ANY RN positions unless you have experience as an RN already.
rn2bn07, BSN, RN
175 Posts
Wow! and I thought we were had a shortage of nurses. I graduated a year ago, and started on a cardiac telemetry unit, right now they are hiring new grads on this floor, check out hospitals in detroit area too. Most hire in med-surg without experience, but alot of CC units, OR, and ER units might not. Good Luck
43 Posts
Henry Ford (downtown) has some type of ICU internship. I can't remember if they call it an internship or something different. A friend of mine applied for sicu. Beaumont also has them and they are very competitive, require an essay etc, so look into that now while you have a break! St John has a lot of graduate nurse positions. They are usually listed as RN/GN on the website.
I know the internship at Henry Ford would probably be for CICU or MICU. SICU does not hire new grads unless they were techs or externs there. I was in Beaumont's critical care internship when I graduated but I opted not to go to ICU right out of school although I could have. Yes it's competitive there. Yeah there is a nurse shortage but a lot of employers don't want to put in the time, effort, and money into training a new grad. It costs a lot for orientation alone.