New Grad ADN job at Level 1 Trauma Center


Specializes in Hospice and Palliative Care.

Hey guys,

I will be beginning the bridge program at GTCC in May and will graduate May of 2016. My dream career in nursing is to become a flight nurse, which I already know requires 3-5 years at least in a level I trauma center or ICU. I currently have two years' experience in the emergency department as an EMT and a year experience so far as an LPN in hospice (I just graduated last year). I also have my BLS, ACLS, PALS, ITLS, and NIHSS. Through my research, I've found that the level I trauma centers in NC include Duke, UNC, Baptist, Wake Med, ECU/Greenville, and Charlotte. Does anyone know how difficult it is for an ADN to land a job in either the ED or ICU at any of these hospitals? Does LPN and EMT experience help at all? Thank you in advance!



Specializes in PACU.


I don't have anything valuable to add to this post, however, I also would LOVE to be a flight nurse or even a Trauma I RN. I'm in Charlotte and hope to work towards that goal. I'm just in school working as a CNA in the hospital system, hoping it will help me get my foot in the door when the right job pops up (and I'm ready).

It sounds like you are already doing everything you can to get there! :) I would suggest you get a job with the hospital of choice at any capacity. Then NETWORK! Anyone who you talk to is a potential connection and the key to your dreams may just be within reach.

Good luck!!! :D

I don't know about the job market in that area and whether they even hire ASN's. But I can tell you that your LPN experience liekly won't be valuable in your quest to be a flight nurse. If you were an EMT-P that would really give you a running start, but if you want to be a flight nurse as opposed to a flight paramedic, it's your RN experience that will be most important when trying to land that type of job.

I would contact some of the agencies in your area that provide emergency flight services and have a good discussion with them about your plans, and see if they have any advice to offer you.

Specializes in Hospice and Palliative Care.

I know it's 3-5 years at least of RN experience but I also know that all six hospitals will hire ADNs as long as they have a plan for getting their BSN within a set amount of years. Although being an LPN won't count toward flight nurse experience, I'm hoping that between that and my EMT experience, it'll get my foot in the door for a trauma center. I'm still researching, though. Thank you guys for the advice!

Specializes in ER; MH; LTC.

I currently work in a level 2 trauma ED. Our department offers a residency program that allows for new grads to work in the ER straight from graduation. In regards to our ADN, I feel a lot of hospitals will hire ADN but require BSN within 3 years. I would look to see if your hospital has a residency program and if not apply anyway, whats the worst they will say no. If thats the case go to a med/surg floor and continue to apply to ED/ICU.

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