Published Feb 20, 2006
4 Posts
Hello Everyone. I just need some advice.
I will be graduating from a BSN-RN program this May. I have a GN interview in one week on the floor that I have had my internship on. I am open to any examples of interview questions, or tips for the actual interview.
I know the floor manager already and she said she is assembling a group of RN's and CNA's to also participate in the interview. I am super nervous and could use a few tips. Examples of interview questions are great.
221 Posts
Check out Ron Fry's 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions. I found it incredibly helpful in preparing for my GN interviews.
rjflyn, ASN, RN
1,240 Posts
Cant give much advice but only comment. I am surprised they are go to that much trouble. Where currently work as a traveler there were about a dozen new grads that worked as nurse techs/interns and basicly it was this is the shift/slot we are offering do you want it or not. As far as I know one wanted out of the Er and the rest are orienting now.
202 Posts
Here are a few things I used to look at when interviewing new employees- not nurses though.
1. Dress PROFESSIONALLY- Suit and Tie (men); suit/pant suit (women). Some positions I would end the interview as soon as the candidate walked in, if they were not dressed appropriately.
2. Be 15-20 minutes EARLY- even if you have to sit in your car for an hour, don't risk getting "caught behind a train."
3. Know something about the company (hospital) you are interviewing with. The Internet is best for this.
4. Know something about the type of work you will be doing- not necessarily technical expertise- but know if it is an CICU, OB, etc. Which you already probably know.
5. At the end of the interview- ASK FOR THE JOB!! A common practice for interviewers, HR Managers, is to end with "Do you have any questions for me"? This is a signal for you to ASK FOR THE JOB!! Simple say, "When can I start" or "I look forward to working with you" or "I know I will make a great contribution to your team" Oh, and did I say- ASK FOR THE JOB!!!
6. One don't- don't ask- "How much does it pay" until you are actually made an offer of employment. This is knd of tacky, and usually the interviewer doesn't know for sure how much they will offer you.
Good luck- and ASK FOR THE JOB!