New to area - where to attend?


I apologize if this has been asked before, but there are SOOOO many threads. I'm new to the state and live in Indianapolis. I am a registered respiratory therapist and have been working in pediatrics (prn with adults) for seven years. I realize I will actually take an ugly pay cut at first to become an RN, but a) I just want to become an RN, anyway, and b) I want a broader range of career options, whether we stay in Indiana for good, or my husband transfers elsewhere in a few years.

That being said, what are my options as far as schools, and which school is best? Yes, yes - opinions are like, ummm, elbows - everybody has one. But I don't want to enroll somewhere, only to find out later that everyone thinks it sucks. Marian and other private colleges are out - too expensive. And just so you know, I have four kids ranging from 14 to 4, and I work full-time (weekend option, thank God).

I'm also wondering if I should get another associate's, or if I should go on and try for a BSN program, considering all the core classes I already have with my associate's degree in respiratory care.

Any info would be most excellent!

Your scedule might be better suited for an online program, espeically with all your experience. Take a look at Excelsior College. There is more information in the distance learning forum. It's probably also one of the cheaper options around.

Nahhhh.... I know all about EC. Fewer states are accepting grads from it. That's too risky! Plus, it's too expensive. I have Monday thru Friday off from work, so I have the whole week open to attend traditional classes and clinicals. Soooo...

Back to my original question! Where to attend?

I'm a bit biased, but I just got admitted to Ivy Tech's nursing program. It's a 2 year associate's degree program and the cost per credit hour is around $105, plus the cost of books, uniforms, some other program related fees ($60-something per semester for nursing). You really can't beat the cost, though the competition to get in is pretty serious.

Other good schools for nursing are IUPUI and University of Indianapolis. I know there are many really depends on what you're looking for. From what I understand from my nursing friends, getting your BSN vs. ASN doesn't matter much in regards to pay unless you want to go in to management at some point...then it would be handy.

Hope this helps! Welcome to Indiana!

Does anyone know anything about Harrison College? Do hopspitals hire graduates from here or will I be waisting my time. I have thought about going the ivy tech route but I had someone say they were graduating from Harrison and they loved it. I am also new to the area and want to choose the best school for me. It is more expensive then Ivy Tech but the program only takes 21 months to complete. Any thoughts?

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