Never live with a fellow student!

Nursing Students General Students


I'm honestly just here to rant. I'm living with a girl who is in my program and I'm really starting to regret it. She seemed nice and sweet but about 2 months into living with her, the true colors came out. She will skip class all the time and just listen to my recording. It's frustrating that I'm going to class and she gets to snooze and just listen to it later. I'm tempted to just tell her it's broken. She also asks to do assignments with me all of the time, which I wouldn't mind, but due to my adhd and anxiety, I tend to get stuck on things and it takes longer for me to finish. So she'll be ahead of me and asking me questions about something that I haven't gotten to yet and will get MAD at me for not having an answer. Sometimes if she asks me for an answer to a question and my answer isn't the same as hers she'll try to make me feel like I'm an idiot (even in cases where I KNEW I was right). I just don't get it. If you think you're so right why are you asking me?? It's not just me, other people question her behavior and ask why I am friends with her. I'm honestly not her friend at this point but she keeps following me around. I feel bad that she has no other friends but I can see why at this point. The problem is, is that she's completely oblivious to how she acts. She'll always complain about how she doesn't get why she's single or has no friends. I just want to scream, well, because you're a b*tch!!! If I didn't have to live with her I would've put her in her place long ago. Awkward living situations are awful, I can't afford that.

Hey, it's been a while since I've checked this! Thank you all for the advice!!! I ended up having a talk with her, I tried to be assertive and not too rude. She seemed to be getting offended at first and therefore getting defensive and shutting down, but the more I explained and the more examples I gave of her behavior and how it bothered me, it seemed to start to click for her. I'm not going to lie, things are a bit awkward in our apartment, but no more awkward than they were before, it's just a different type of awkward feeling. She has backed off a considerable amount, though, which is great. Overall, I'm really glad I finally talked to her. Thanks again for everyone's advice!!

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