Neuro or Observation Unit - New Grad


I am a newly graduated RN and have been lucky enough to have 2 jobs offers. 1 is for Neuro Science unit and the other is the Observation unit. Anyone have any advice for me for which one to accept, especially for a new gradutate?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Any other information you can offer about the positions?

I've been working in the Short Stay Observation unit in my hospital and I am a fairly new grad (close to my 1 year experience) and this is what I can tell about the SSU. It is a fast paced environment where you have lots of admits and discharges. Patients come in for up to 48 hours (but that's not alway true). We've been called a step-down ED by other floors. We admit diverse patients such as chest pain, abdominal pain, GI bleed, intractable headache, syncope, TIA vs. CVA stroke patients, to same day surgical patients. Just like any floors, there are some stuff that you like and that you'll hate. The nice thing is that you get a variety of patients in SSU and any day is never the same. You rarely get the same patient which can be good or bad if you want to built connection. Ultimately, it depends what you want. I think both job offers will prepare you well as a new grad RN.

When I was a new grad, I was just happy to get a job whenever.

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