Nervous about telling co-workers

Nursing Students SRNA


Is anyone else nervous about telling co-workers they got into school? I am already getting all sorts of flak about leaving. All I hear is "You're not going to be here long anyway so what does it matter to you?" This also means that from now until July or August I will get a crappy schedule and probably have to work all the holidays :o. Oh well.....on the upside...I'm going to anesthesia school!!!!!!!!!!!!

you can also take this opportunity to do some travel/agency nursing. no one cares if you are going to anesthesia school when you sign a 3 month contract!

I totally agree and recommend this! Takes a lot of stress out of the situation. This is what I probably plan to do when I'm accepted to CRNA school. I'll leave the job where I did my "one year" and say I'm going traveling as my reason for leaving.

That way they are not feeling "used" and it eliminates most of the jealousy/nastiness.


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