Published Oct 20, 2008
83 Posts
Hi all! I finished my CNA training and now I'm just waiting on a test date which I was told could take up to a month! Anyway I still need to find a job in the mean time. When I go down to fill out applications do I tell them I'm waiting on getting a testing date? How do I fill out the application " not a CNA yet?" lol I don't know and I hear people say they get a job while not having their certification yet BUT I am scared that I won't be so lucky. Help me out if you have any good advice. Thanks
36 Posts
depends on what state you live in. Some will hire you while your waiting on you certification but you won't be able to do alot of duties that an aid usually does. Like I said I don't know what state you live in but I don't think that it will be very hard finding a job at all.
I live in Florida if that helps. I'm going to make a list of places today and venture out tomorrow and HOPEFULLY find something in the next few weeks. Sigh
177 Posts
wow codeda how in the world did you finish class already? mine will start 10/28 and end 12/19! anyway GOODLUCK I hope you find a job real soon!! I'm sure you will!:up::yeah:
lol well i had already had experience volunteering so i just took a prep course that was a few weeks. THANKS! Good luck to you too!!!!
207 Posts
Everyone who is a CNA needs to get familiar with their respective states sites that tell you all you want to know about being a CNA. Right off the florida site:
Q. Are there instances where I may begin my employment as a nursing assistant prior to obtaining certification?
A. Yes, there are three (3) exceptions which allow you to work for a maximum of four (4) months (120 days) while awaiting receipt of your Florida certification: (1) applicants enrolled in or have completed a state approved program, or (2) applicants who have been verified as being actively certified in another state, or (3) applicants who have preliminarily passed the state exam but have not yet received the certificate. (See 400.211, F.S.) All of these are at the determination of the employer.
Well I knew that from speaking in my class. I was just hoping to hear from people that didn't have a problem getting a job in the real world and not just what it says you can do. I was specifically asking what people say in there applications or if they just right down awaiting certification or something like that. Just looking for personal experience from some people one here.
Yes --- I had a job (my first) at an ambulatory clinic a couple of weeks after taking the state test. It was another month before I actually got the test results. I was clear on my cover letter to the resume that I was awaiting results and told that to the hiring manager.
I can't recall how I actually completed the job application. I know I spoke with someone before completing it and told them my situation. They were ok with that and hired me. I do believe I had some proof that I had taken the test, however.
Now, the hospital I worked at later would not do anything like that. They were concerned about lawsuits and one definitely had to have the certificate in their hand (well, in Illinois you don't actually get the paper, you show up on the registry and that is the only verification). But I can't generalize across the country and say it that is true everywhere else.
Bottom line --- go in and ask. If someone hassles you for asking, you probably don't want to work there anyway.
First I have to apologize for all the typos! I'm typing on my phone so things don't really come out correctly. Lol. Second thanks for the advice. I'm going to visit 3 places a day for the next few weeks and just let them know about the situation and keep my fingers crossed!