Needle Dislodgement

Specialties Urology


I'm doing some research on the prevalence of needle dislodgement within dialysis. Please comment if you have experienced VND with a patient. I have found several articles related to this issue but it seems understudied and/or not enough attention paid to this seemingly important patient/healthcare worker safety issue.


Actually, some providers do require a physician order for the temperature on the machine -- some physicians might want the temperature lower because of hyptotension (some FMC medical directors do such). Some facilities have a range.. the FMC 2008 machine goes beyond 38 as I recall..... Often technicians will raise the temperature to keep a patient warm, but in effect, this often does not help --sometimes... but then should a technician be making such a judgement call especially if the patient runs a low BP? Should the tech first be checking with the RN? Just my thoughts.

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