need Micro help for the summer session PLEASE!!!!


Specializes in geriatric, ltc, telemetry, med-surg.

I am enrolled in the summer micro class and wander if anyone has notes or anything that will enable me to comprehend maybe some of the stuff I will need in the month of June. I am doing the LPN-RN bridge and start clinicals in the fall but I need this micro out of the way so I will only have my clinicals to worry with. Any help is appreciated!


Specializes in Lie detection.

I took micro over 10 years ago but I don't think someone else's notes would have helped me! It was a tough class. I took it during the summer too and it was hard but doable. I also did not have a computer back then so you are a zillion steps ahead of the game.

Good luck, you'll do fine.

Specializes in Rural Health.

I took my Micro class in the summer and it was great. The teacher really taught us what was necessary to get us thru Micro, really focused on the medical aspect of Micro for us (we were all nursing students). Just keep up with your reading and your assignments every day and you'll do just fine.

I ended up with a 98% in the class and science of any kind is not my strong point.

My teacher does the same as mom2michael--everyone in there is also a nursing or pre-nursing student. We do alot of case studies--which I find kind of fun!! I think just about all classes can be made "hard" or "easy" (per education level) depending on the instructor. Ours isn't that difficult--if you come to class and listen you can make a 75 on the tests easily--with a little studying/review time, I've made A's on all the tests and quizzes so far!! Our labs are also pretty fun... Maybe you'll luck out with a good instructor (mine is a retired physician, oh the joy!)!!

Someone elses notes don't usually come in as handy as your own! If you can photocopy someone elses or something (be sure they had the same instructor and same book), they may be handy reference material but making your own notes usually helps reinforce the material.

out of all the science classes that i've taken so far, microbiology has definitely been the easiest. the main part of the class i tried to focus on was the lab (hands on) time. i found that a lot of the experiments, cultures, and issues discussed pertained to my future career of nursing. many of our lab sessions touched on topics such as infection control, effective disinfectants, drug resistence, and of course (since it was pathogenic microbiology) the bacteria which frequently cause infection in the in-patient setting.

the most exciting moment in lab, for me, was identifying an unknown organism. we all were given unlabeled samples of various types of bacteria. using many chemical tests (techniques that we learned earlier in the semester) we used the process of elimination to specifically decide what particular bacteria the sample was comprised of.

my teacher, although not at all organized, did teach us what we needed to know. lectures were the most monotonous aspect of the class. tests weren't exactly easy (lots of material which wasn't covered directly in lecture), but i made an "a" and was pleased with what i took away from the teaching, in the end.

here are some links to good books (lots of informative photos) that might help:

and here's a link to a website that has a nice amount of information about pathogenic microbiology:

if you have further questions, please ask!

Specializes in ER, Medsurg, LTAC.

Has lab result pictures.

Micro is a class you'll have to take notes on yourself- It is a class that you'll either find hard or easy.

Search lab results to help make identifying organisms in lab easier.

It may also help to make a short form lab guide:


Gram stain: positive = purple, red= neg

This will help you in lab (each test has a fairly simple observable rxn).

For class, just do your best and get help from your classmates in study groups or from the professor.

Hope this helps.

i was also shocked by how much easier i thought it was over my anatomy classes. every one i knew talked micro up and i was shaking in my shoes on the first week. maybe it was just me but i got so into the class, and found that i was stressed for nothing. i had a great teacher and her notes were right on target. good luck to you.

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