Need a little guidance


I'm a sophomore in college right now. I started my freshmen with the idea that I wanted to go to medical school and convinced myself it would be a easy trip. I unfortunately also made the mistake of getting addicted to World of Warcraft which sapped me of any will to study when I had any free time. After the school year ended I had all summer to reflect on my priorities and try to set them straight (I didn't really want the lifestyle that goes into becoming and being a physician-just the prestige and money and I got over that). I'm happy to say that this school year I've been much more focused after changing my major to Nursing and getting accepted into the nursing program this year. I've been wanting to pursue a career as an CRNA after I graduate with my B.S. in nursing. Unfortunately my Science GPA is really low because I took 16 Credits of Bio and Chem my freshman year and made a C+ in both the first semester and a C- and a D+ the second semester. Looking back I really don't know what possessed me to neglect any thoughts of my future academically but I'm absolutely sure that all of that is behind me. I know that I am capable of making A's in both the previous courses if I studied appropriately and this semester confirmed that when I took all the nursing program prerequisites and did significantly better.

So after that long intro, to my questions

Will doing excellent in my nursing courses help overshadow my poor science GPA?

How is scheduling 4 hours of Bio or Chem with lab a semester while working full time as a nurse to build up my science GPA?

Do math courses count as science gpa? I took precalculus and calculus as a Highschool student at my community college and pulled an A in both.

Also does taking a survey of chemistry class count as I made an A in it this semester.

Also any helpful hints and tips to make nursing school easier and transitioning to CRNA school?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Specializes in Ortho/Neurosurgical.

I have a question for you, have you already been accepted to your schools BSN program?

I've not been technically accepted into the BSN program. I got accepted into the A.S. Nursing program and then will apply to the BSN program after I finish. The BSN is usually 2 extra semesters if you got all your graduation requirements out of the way which I should have done my then.

Specializes in MICU.

here is my advice as I was in a similar situation. (bad grades my first couple semesters of college). you must now really focus and make only A's and B's, C's are not acceptable now. do that until the finish your BSN, and your grade portion of getting into CRNA school will be covered.

most schools look at the last 60 credit hours. also, some schools look past bad grades the first semester or two, as people mature they start to focus more on grades and their future making better decisions and grades.

anyways it worked for me as i start crna school in 4 days. and I had some bad grades my first couple semesters of school. but after that i really focused and got all A's and B's.

also be prepared to explain those poor grades when it comes down to it. and if you have to retake one or two of those science classes to show you have changed, do it.

good luck


I agree - do great in nursing school (because they will definitely look at those grades). You always have time to retake some of the science courses before applying (if needed - they will most likely look at these too- I had couple As and quite a few Bs in my undergrad science courses and they were impressed with mine) - you can take those part-time while you get your 1+ yrs ICU experience. I would concentrate on nsg school now. Never too early to start looking into the schools you think you may be interested in and start becoming familiar with what their requirements and preferences are as far as admission stats/experiences.

Good luck ~

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