Published Mar 23, 2010
44 Posts
So I am currently finishing up my junior year in college with a primary empasis in communication science and disorders, but after conducting my observation hours, I realize nursing is where my heart truly is. My advisor has recommended that since I only have one year left of college that I finish up my CSD major and then apply for an accelerated BSN program, while finishing up my pre-reqs my senior year.
So here is my major concern. I was constantly told that graduate school for speech language pathology was super competitive, and now I have discovered that nursing school is even more competitive. I realize every school is different and requires different things and I know better than to look at just a minimum gpa for application. I currently have a 3.64 but everywhere I look, people are suggesting that you need closer to a 4.0 to be accepted.
I was hoping somebody ANYBODY could it to me straight, will I have a problem getting into an accelerated bsn program or a direct entry msn program? (assuming I maintain good grades for my pre-reqs).
Any advice would be great!!
905 Posts
There is no way anyone here can tell you that. It depends on the qualifications of the other applicants when you apply and there is no way to tell that ahead of time. If current trends hold then your gpa is in the ball park... it is good enough at some schools and at other schools in some years but not other years. I think there are some schools it would not be high enough (still assuming recent/current trends continue) but I'm not sure about that.
If you ask at nursing schools, they are usually reluctant to commit. In that case, instead of asking if a certain gpa is high enough - ask what the range of gpa's of accepted students has been in the last few years.
I haven't looked into how schools with wait lists decide who gets on the list.
19 Posts
Your 3.64 is solid. What will really help you for nursing school applications is to do your utmost to get all "A's" in the nursing core pre-req's as well as shoot for as close to a 4.0 in you last 60 units completed (I imagine you have ~30 to 40 units remaining in your current BA). Your TEAS score also carries a good amount of weight with many schools, so aim to score as high as possible on that (try and take it when you feel you have a solid foundation in biological science/life science/math/English/reading - basically, have at least half of the nursing pre-req's completed, or their equivalent, with an "A" prior to taking the test).
If you can carry a 3.64 cumulative, 4.0 in your last 60, 4.0 in the nursing core, and a 90%+ on the TEAS into an ABSN application, I am guessing you will be gtg at the vast majority of programs.