Need help understanding Jean Watson

Nursing Students Student Assist


As part of my nursing fundamentals class, we have to chose a nurse theorist to write a research paper on. I chose Jean Watson for her humanistic approach to caring for the patient. I purchased a book of hers called, "Nursing: the philosophy and science of Caring. I am having a bit of difficulty fully understanding her concept, however. I really just need it simplified a bit for me to understand it better. If anyone could help with this, that would be great!


Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I suggest you get a couple of theory textbooks written for students. Such books would have a chapter on Watson's theory and explain it in terms a student would find easier to understand.

You should be able to find some nursing theory books at a library at a school that has a good nursing program ... or at some libraries within hospitals. Do you know where there is a library that would include nursing books? Do you know any upperclassmen who have taken a nursing theory course and would have a nursing theory texbook sitting around their house?

You also might find some published articles (either in a library or online) that would explain the theory in simpler terms. Do you know how to search for articles online?

There may also be some websites that summarize her theory in easier terms.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
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