Need Help Pretty Please; Stony Brook or Farmingdale

Nursing Students General Students


Hello, this is my first time posting so bear with me please!:angrybird5: I live in Hicksville and am attending Nassau Community College(Spring 2015). I took calculus, communication, spanish and english but halfway through this semester I made my career choice to pursue nursing. So right now, I can't get into Nassau's nursing program until next Jan IF I take summer classes. A&P in summer is hell, people tell me. I'm trying to find out how to make these classes useful into getting into SBU, with Farmingdale as my backup. Here comes the deal, I likely still will be commuting to school so if I go to SBU; that's 3 hours of commute and I cannot at all reach campus before 8:30am. Will that be a problem? Will it be tough to study? Anybody going through this? I was looking at Hunter too, but a Nassau advisor directly told me Hunter doesn't want to take Nassau students into their nursing(which makes it even worse since I WILL NOT be in the rn program) and from the website it seems I could only transfer in the fall semester so I'd be wasting a LOT of semesters, I'll be done with SBU pre reqs ending fall 2016. Could everyone pitch in their opinions please? I'm restless to get my bachelor's in 4 years(this is my 1st semester of college) hence I don't want to go to Nassau's nursing and really want to go to SBU. I don't want to take summer classes, everyone tells me sciences in the summer are horrible and I want to work a lot to save up some money. Oh and I'll be meeting an advisor from SBU 2days later, what additional questions should I ask?

PS: Could anyone please tell me where SBU's and Farmingdale's clinicals take place?

PPS: This is also really important, I want to move to the west coast after getting 1 or 2 years of experience as a rn in new york. Will going to SBU give me a better chance at getting a job there(Cali, specifically San Diego or Irvine)? I find it really intimidating that I'd be competing against grads from UCLA or cali grads in general.

Thank you all, wish everyone luck on this journey we're all in

(I might have posted this twice, I'm not sure if the other worked)

How was your experience at farmingdale ?

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