Need help with a paper/presentation/fair booth


Helllo. I need to write a paper that goes with a 15 minute presentation that goes with a booth at a senior citizen health fair. My topic is on geriatrics that lose their sense of taste, touch and smell and the dangers involved with those losses. Has anyone read any good articles lately or have personal stories. I'm worried about filling 15 minutes most of all.

Thank you for any help you can offer.


try a search engine such as google etc. for geriatrics that lose their sense of taste there are 6000 hits.

i'm not yet geriatric (60), but i have had no sense of smell and very little sense of taste for about the last 9 years following a really bad episode of mycoplasma pneumonia. it's very nice when checking a cellulitis patient etc but not so good when you want to smell flowers or pick up candles. :stone

try a search engine such as google etc. for geriatrics that lose their sense of taste there are 6000 hits.

i'm not yet geriatric (60), but i have had no sense of smell and very little sense of taste for about the last 9 years following a really bad episode of mycoplasma pneumonia. it's very nice when checking a cellulitis patient etc but not so good when you want to smell flowers or pick up candles. :stone

thanks for your help! for the fair, i have to have a carnival game so i'm doing "guess what's in the box" by touching or smelling (without looking, of course). and i need prizes to give away. what would be a good "prize" touch?

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