Published Aug 21, 2008
1 Post
I'm graduating w/my BSN in December and have just found out that I'm doing my final preceptorship in the OR. The OR was always my first choice so I'm really excited! My concern is this: over the last few months many of my classmates/friends have made comments such as "you'll be bored in the OR... do something else... it's a waste of your education, etc." A physician/friend of mine has pretty much said the same thing. I'm trying to remain positive about my choice. I'm sure there will be days that are less exciting than others, but that could be the case on any unit. So, I need some veteran OR nurses (or new OR nurses for that matter) to help me out here. I could use a few words of encouragement about why you chose the OR and how exciting/rewarding/challenging the OR can be.
472 Posts
Hello to you and congrats on your upcoming graduation!!!!!!!!!! People are always giving their opinion,,, and that is just what it is,,, their opinion. You have to find out for yourself. Give the OR a chance and see what you think. It doesn't matter what others think.. they don't walk in your shoes. I have been a OR nurse for almost 3 years. I mostly do General/vascular/Gyn. Gyn being my least favorite... You don't have a lot of time with the patient being awake, but in that short time I feel like I make a difference. A smile, caring, and a warm blanket goes a long way. Patients can tell if you really like your job and if you wan't to help them. There is a lot of machines/technical to learn for the OR. You run the ship. Like I said before, I would give it a try.. See if you like it. Nursing is good like that, you have so much to choose from. It can be exciting @ times. It can be very stressful. You are pushed tremendously to get the room turned over and get that next patient in the room. REad through the OR nurse forum too. Good luck to you!!!!!! TAke care...
GadgetRN71, ASN, RN
1,840 Posts
I've been an OR nurse for 2+ years now and prior to that, I was a surg tech. I love the OR...I'm NEVER bored. I chuckled when I read that some of your friends told you that..and the OR is certainly not a waste of your education. You'll use assessment skills, and most important, critical thinking skills. Your patient can crash at any moment, even during "minor" surgery.
You have to be able to troubleshoot equipment and be able to do so quickly. You have to be able to stand up for your patient, because they are helpless. This may mean that you go head to head with the surgeon, anesthesia, or a coworker.
The OR is great, because you get to see results immediately for the most part-you walk out of there knowing that what you did for that patient helped them.
I'm not even going to justify or answer to what your physician friend said about OR nursing...some docs don't like us because they think we are "mouthy" and "arrogant". They usually say this after they've tried to pull a fast one and some "mouthy" circulator put him/her in their place!:devil:
Perhaps some of these classmates are jealous that you got your internship in the area you wanted...just throwing that thought out there.
31 Posts
I have been an OR nurse for 2.5 years. I work in Open Heart surgery and it is DEFINITELY NOT BORING!!!:redbeathe As stated above you have to think and make decisions on a dime. Every area in nursing has its ups and downs. Some days are slower than others, but being a circulator is a very important job in the OR. The patient may not remember you after the case, but 9 times out of 10 the family does. The first time a family member or patient tells you "thank you for saving my life" it will totally be worth it. Give the Or a try and make the decision for your self it is definitely not a waste of education there are many opportunities to advance in the OR.
Good luck in all you do and have fun!!
250 Posts
If it's what interests you, then you won't be bored- you'll be fascinated-- you'll also learn the anatomy like never before! Good experienced OR nurses are in high demand in most states too. Good luck to you!
173 Posts
My sister is an OR tech and she LOVES IT. She just got her lpn and is going on for her RN. She will always be in the OR, all of the different surgeries (sp?) are so fascinating to her. I say Go For IT!!!!