Need behavioral tips - New student


Specializes in One day CCU maybe!.

Hey everyone,

I'm a newbie and not sure if there is a thread already started for this (if so tell me where to go and send me on my way!).:wink2:

I'm starting an RN program in May and want some tips on what to expect and how I should be to be successful. I'm a type A personality so I worry it could be get me in over my head. I want to know what I should or shouldn't do when starting class/rotations. I'm sure this is something we learn on the way but are there any things you WISHED you had known before opening your big mouth??:banghead:

Also, I've read postings over the last few weeks before joining and saw that some nurses instruct others to be stern and not let anyone walk all over you. As a student how do you know where to draw the line?? Or should we be doormats just while in school:lol2:??

Specializes in Peri-op/Sub-Acute ANP.

If there was one piece of advice I could give to any new NS, it would be to keep up with the reading. There is a LOT of it, and if you get behind it can get overwhelming! Just stay on top of things and keep moving.

Another related tip: some of the topics will be harder for you than others (don't bother to ask which, because it is so individual). Anyhoo, reserve the easier reading for those days when you are tired. Don't leave the hard stuff until last, because you could get stuck. I do the light-weight reading after class and clinicals. I leave the heavy duty stuff until the weekend, or days when my schedule is lighter. I find this is helpful to my (much) older brain!

Good luck, if you are type A you will fit right in and I wouldn't worry too much about being walked over. You will know it when you see it!

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