Need Answers to Nursing Questions


1. What brought you into the field of nursing?

2. What keeps you in the field of nursing?

3. What do you recognize as the greatest rewards/challenges in the profession of nursing?

4. What changes would you like to see in the profession of nursing?

5. What advice can you offer a student entering nursing school & the profession of nursing?

These are question I need to answer for a paper I am doing. And the answers to these questions will be very helpful to me because I thinking of going to nursing school.

1. What brought you into the field of nursing? I have always been interested in the health/science field.

2. What keeps you in the field of nursing? I love my job. Would not do anything else.

3. What do you recognize as the greatest rewards/challenges in the profession of nursing? I love knowing that I have helped someone through a rough part of their life et somehow made it easier for them. Biggest challenge would be providing the care that I want to because of short staff.

4. What changes would you like to see in the profession of nursing? I would like to see nurses get the recognition that they deserve. We are more than just assistants to the doctors!!!

5. What advice can you offer a student entering nursing school & the profession of nursing? Remember that you never know everything et take each experience as an opporitunity to learn.

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