Published Nov 20, 2011
56 Posts
Hello everyone!
I need some advice on what to do. Long story short I am an LPN that was working on a medsurg/telemetry/stoke unit.This floor like every floor has its ups and downs but it was overall just rough. It was my first position out of lpn school and I did learn alot. But a couple months ago the hospital that i am at posted a position for the peds clinic. I thought about it for weeks because I wasnt sure about if i would like clinic and 5 days a week, and I was sick of working every other weekend at the time. I took the peds job and turns out I really like working peds but I HATE the clinic and a m-f 5 days a week job, My old boss from the floor said she would hire me back. But heres the thing. I am doing my RN online through excelsior and about 3/4 done. I was planning on being done hopefully by spring 2012. So because of that I was going to suck it up working at the peds clinic til I finished. But i just found out I failed an exam so i have to wait 60 days to retake, and that is going to put me back alot further. Another thing is that even though my old position is good experience I dont plan on staying there.. I was a cna before and worked in the PACU. I found out that when I am an rn my old pacu boss will hire me as a nurse. So with that being said, I know if i go back to my old position i wont stay there long because I want to ultimately work in pacu, but if i stay where im at.. its miserable! So boring/repetitive plus the 5 days a week kills me. I just dont know what to do!! Opinions please.. TIA!!!!!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Hang in for boring and repetitive while finishing school and switch when you are ready to commit and have the RN.
1 Article; 1,406 Posts
If you feel that your previous position is better experience for what you would ultimately like to do, and you really hate your position now, go back, regardless of your online school and tests. Even if you are not there for a long time, they would like to have you for now! You have options and that's great. I've done this more than once and I don't think it's ever "looked bad on my resume" or what have you, but I am honest about it. That really speaks to your work and your character that they are so willing to have you back.
63 Posts
It sounds like you would have less stress and be more comfortable going back to your old unit to work while completing school. Out of professional courtesy, you might want to talk to your old boss and let her know your ultimate plans before you accept the assignment back. That way she has the opportunity to make some long term staffing plans and you don't have to feel guilty!