Published Nov 8, 2015
1 Post
Hi I'm thinking about signing up for CNA classes in the future and want to prepare myself as much as possible. I ordered Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants and there is a lot of information in it. I was a bit overwhelmed. I thought I could make a study guide and divide the book up in parts. Maybe do just the charts for 1 week, then terms the 2nd week and 3rd week skills. I would like advice on how to study before taking the courses so I can feel ready. Please if anyone has any advice on how they prepared for the exam and classes please let me know. I guess I'm looking for a way to study the book without getting overwhelmed. Thank you s much!:)
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
It's not that serious! Just pay attention in class and do your homework
474 Posts
CNA study guide !!!!! don't stress it . Pass rate is about 99 % unless you are as smart as a bag of rock . I knew a girl who passed the CNA exam on the third try. They got tired of seeing he face and just helped her filling the bubble.
636 Posts
I understand your excited but its really simple. Conmom sense stuff and practice hands on skills.