need advice-student nurse with anxiety disorder


I was wondering if anyone out there could offer some advice. I am a student nurse currently doing a rotation on Med/Surg and am finding that it can be difficult for me to concentrate and focus on occasion.

I have been diagnosed and treated for a generalized anxiety disorder but i have found during this clinical rotation that i have had days where it is difficult to concentrate and prioritize care.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to keep organized and keep thinking when your anxiety level is high?

I am often caring for 4-5 patients as a student nurse and when i have been presented with complicated patients it is all i can do to try to keep up with my group of patients.

My instructor is aware of my disorder but says, and i agree, that it is not an excuse but rather a challenge that i must learn to deal with.

Any ideas on how to keep on track?

Thank you,


Are you on medication? It may be time to talk to your doctor about a change. You might also benefit from some CBT - cognitive behaioral therapy.

I keep a clipboard with me and make notes on it all the time.

If I find myself becoming overwhelmed I dip into the toilet and do two minutes of deep breathing, counting breaths in through the nose for 4 counts and breathing out through my mouth for 8 with my eyes closed and sitting on the toilet. Yoga. It might help - it does for me.

Good luck.

Oh, and I'm up in the middle of the night writing drug cards. You're not alone.


Hi Sasha

I too was going to suggest cognitive behavioural therapy. Have you sought help from professionals whether it be traditional or complementary thearpy?

I am sure you can conquer this and wish you good luck!


Are you on medication? It may be time to talk to your doctor about a change. You might also benefit from some CBT - cognitive behaioral therapy.

I keep a clipboard with me and make notes on it all the time.

If I find myself becoming overwhelmed I dip into the toilet and do two minutes of deep breathing, counting breaths in through the nose for 4 counts and breathing out through my mouth for 8 with my eyes closed and sitting on the toilet. Yoga. It might help - it does for me.

Good luck.

thank you for the advice

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