Published Aug 3, 2012
1 Post
Hello. I'm a 30 yr old, living in Staten Island, NY and am interested in becoming either a CNA or LPN. I've called the cuny college of staten island to see if they are still offering the CNA program, but they said that they do not. Ive tried contacting a high school in the island, that offers an LPN program for adults, but being that it's the summer, I cannot get in touch with that person. Just a little info on why I am interested in this field. For me, it's been all about working part time jobs and trying to figure out what are my strengths and weaknesses. I've never been able to figure out what I wanted to do after high school, and therefore, did not get a college degree. After many years of trying to Figure It out, I've noticed that I am someone who loves to help people. I work well with others, and enjoy taking care of people in need. I hope it's not too late for me. I know that I am a late bloomer, but I want to go ahead and try to become successful, and achieve my goals. Please advise me on what schools you can suggest me to look into. I really appreciate the help.
10 Posts
I live in Staten Island as well. I recently attended and graduated the CNA training class at The New Millenium Training school on Staten Island. It is a 4 week class. Very intense and fast passed but i had an amazing teacher. This may be just what u are looking for. Also I took my state test at the school and that made it better as well. On tuesday, I was added to the NYS nurse registry. I would suggest calling the school and going for a visit. Again, it's called The New Millenium training school- (718) 667-7741. It is located down the street from Staten Island University hospital. Good luck and keep me updated!