Published Dec 31, 2011
139 Posts
I need some input. I cried today in my DON's office in front of three people: DON, ADON, and their boss. I could not control the tears. What happened is I am a brand new nurse working in the LTC less than two months. So basically, I have been on my own approximately 3 weeks after orientation. These three weeks I already made three major mistakes. They are serious. One was failed to exam pt's buttock due to unable to turn her. She screamed in pain and will not turn her back even with CNA's assistance. Another was not taken lab on time and med error (given two pain med to pt's when order was for one).
First Mistake-I was put into working in the unit different than I was orientated for. Different environment, different routines, patients are long term and most are confused. So, the first day they put me there I had a new admission. On top of 29 pts I had to medicate, orders to be taken, charts to be written on top of tx had to be provided, I neglected to look at the backside of this readmitted pt. I got a phone from my DON stated I failed to examine her and now she has developed skin condition, the facility will not responsible for it.
Second & Third Mistakes- yesterday was difficult. I had pt who fell on the bathroom floor, a pt bump his hand and bleed all over the place, a semi-confuse pt who kept pulling his PICC off, and pt who just admitted screamed in pain. How did I make mistake in the first place? The pt was just got admitted scream in bloody hell in pain. I got her narc just in time to medicated her. I gave her one bc it says to give one. Then the pt kept screaming down the hall while I caught up with other things. She said she took two at the hospital, not one, why did I only give her one. I told her order only allows one. She said no that is not right. Her daughter calling on phone angry. So I thought (my bad judgement) give her additional dose would help reduce the pain without get the written order from the doctor's first. I would eventually call but since it was the craziest night I forgot and that is why I got a written warning today.
The last mistake I made the same day while try to juggling everything include those things happen was not recorded lab on time on one of the pt who needed lab that same day the order was written. How did I miss it? Things happened above, no time run to the 10 orders attached to 10 charts sitting at the station. By the time I sat down taking the odrers was close to 11 oclock.
I know it's not an excuse but there lots of things they hadn't taught me. I asked as I go and I felt the place severely understaff and workload is majorly an issue. I cried to my supervisor today and asked if I could come home bc I wasn't feeling well during working. She said she didn't have any extra nurse so I sucked it up until the shift end. I came home I cried some more. The issue is that it's not that I cannot due the job, just the workload is outrageous. I spoke to my husband today to find better solution. I don't know what would best at this point. Should quite or just ask to work only a few days a week instead of five days a week? I don't feel secure working there for these many pts and all of the responsibilities we have to cover. Have any of you ever been in the same position with me? What did you do? What routes did you take?