Published May 15, 2015
2 Posts
Hello there nurses and student nurses!
So I'm at Georgia Perimeter College (Clarkston campus), working on prerequisites for a nursing program in a 4 yr college, so I can get a BSN. First question: should I stay there to finish up the prereqs or try to transfer into another school, like GSU or KSU (if they will take me)? I do have a good GPA, but it is at GPC, so it probably an average GPA at a better school? I have been told to stay at GPC (of course from advisors but also from friends who have gone through what I have) since it is cheaper and I can get my GPA up for the other school I apply at. Second question: As far as the prereqs go, are GPC's lined up with the University's prereqs? Like I see I need to choose an AREA E class, which my choices are: ANTH 1102, CRJU 1100, ECON 2100, 2105, 2106, GEOG 1101, POLS 2401, PSYC 1101 and SOCI 1101...... out of all of these, which one is recommened for the Nursing program for the other Colleges? I noticed at KSU, SOCI was suggested and it seems its different in some other places. Sorry this post is sloppy, but I am in a hurry and just wanted to ask while the questions were fresh in my brain....THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR TAKING YOUR TIME!!! HAve a most amazing day!!!
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
The place to ask your questions is the university to whom you want to transfer credits.
For example, ask KSU (whatever that is) "Do you accept credits from GPC?"
Always safest to do your own research, rather than rely on an anonymous forum answer. Go to the source. Do your own research.