Need advice!!! ALF!!! How to finish on time as well as help CNA


Hi, To All,

Thanks in advance for all advice.

(ALF 3-11 shift) Ratio: 1 nurse, 1 CNA to 40.

Am interested to know from other ALF nurses how much help are you able to give your CNA and still finish your own work on time?


To ask this a different way can any ALF 3-11 share with me a guide of how you structure your shift to get it all done in time?

I don't want this question to sound like I don't want to help my CNA because I do want to help and feel like I do help (maybe too much ) and maybe that is why I don't finish on time.

How many showers do your 3-11 CNAs do on the shift? When the CNA is doing 4-5 showers on 3-11 at our facility then the nurse is running all the call bells from 6:00 -8:00pm sometimes the nurse is lucky to have time to administer 3 people their medicine in between those call bells.

Any advice or guide of how you structure your shift would be most appreciated.



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