NCLEX_PN my computer shuts off between 87-89


hey there! i took my nclex-pn saturday! i was shocked n nauseated with the questions. after 70 questions i was exhausted was really hoping my computer stop @ 85 cause i couldnt function. it didnt happen, the last 2-4 questions after 85 i remembered. when i went home i gather my notes n i think my answer was right especially the last question i had. (does it matter?). oh well i honestly completely definitely think i fail! boys n girls give me some advise plss n some encouragement. thanks n GOD BLESS. btw im from california which is sucks cause theres no QUICK RESULT here! wish me luck!

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Relax and go out and do something you enjoy. I'm sure you did great. I shut off at 85 and was positive I had failed. I had to wait the whole 4weeks to get my results but when I finially got them I had passed.

I too had the same feeling. Look at it this way, did you do so horrible that the computer would shut off at 85ish, most likely not it would have given you more questions to try and pass. You most likely passed like I did but just do something to get your mind off the results. Good luck.

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