Published Nov 28, 2012
1 Post
Hi! I'm a 2011 graduate of BS Nursing in the Philippines. I'm currently deciding on which state to apply to in the US for my NCLEX. My first choice is Texas but I'm not an immigrant of the US and I don't have an SSN. I read the requirements of the NCLEX application and some website says you need an SSN but some doesn't say anything about it. Can you please help me? Do you just advice me to take the NCLEX in New York instead since they don't need an SSN there? Thanks in advance! :)
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the Nurse Registration forum in WOrld as International requirements tend to be slightly different to those trained in the US.
Some states are requiring US SSN and state it is federal requirement so expect more to follow. What state do you plan on living and working once you arrive in the US?
609 Posts
I second the thought of: Where do you want to live and work?
If you are concerned about concurrency issues, this thread has the informal list of states that have concurrency issues:
Directions for Texas Examination: Examination Applications. Their guidelines and eligibility application states:
In order to apply for an initial Texas Nursing License by Examination Online you must provide the following information and/or meet the following requirements:Applicants must have a valid US Social Security Number.
You are correct in that NY Board does not require SSN per se; however, there is a section in the application asking for citizenship/immigration status. (source)
Good luck!