NC1 - Too Chicken to take it

Nursing Students Online Learning


I've been studying for this for 6 weeks and cannot get the courage up to take it. I'm low on cash now (my husband got laid off in Sept) so I can't afford to take it and fail.

I am desperately seeking advice or words of wisdom? What types of info is covered? Lots of drug calculations? Lots of wound info? Or just boatloads of nursing process questions?

Thank you in advance!!!!!

Originally posted by Chris at Lucas

Also, I joined a bunch of Yahoo nursing student groups, and there are files with notes, practice questions, etc., there. I've downloaded them and made a notebook for NC1, and I use that to help myself study.

I'm very interested in those files and practice questions Chris, are they available to the public?

Originally posted by Chris at Lucas

, I went to the nontrad site and got a copy of the "SETH" test for NC1

Nontrand? Where's that?



Originally posted by Chris at Lucas

Also, I joined a bunch of Yahoo nursing student groups, and there are files with notes, practice questions, etc., there. I've downloaded them and made a notebook for NC1, and I use that to help myself study.

I'm very interested in those files and practice questions Chris, are they available to the public?

Originally posted by Chris at Lucas

, I went to the nontrad site and got a copy of the "SETH" test for NC1

Nontrand? Where's that?



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